Tuesday, May 19, 2020

A Discussion of the Declaration of Independence and Enlightenment Ideal Essays

A Discussion of the Declaration of Independence and Enlightenment Ideal EssaysIn the US, the Declaration of Independence and Enlightenment ideals are used in many high school and college essays. The ideals have several different meanings in American history. The first, and most obvious meaning, is that the ideals came from the British in the eighteenth century as part of the British influence on US society. This is the founding era of the US and the American Revolution was about overthrowing a crown, and replacing it with a republic.The second meaning of the ideals is that they came from the British when they moved to this contemporary society. In other words, that they have been part of the culture since the beginning of the country's life. This has become an issue that many people argue about, especially those who feel that the founders of the country were out of touch with the contemporary society.The last sense of the ideals is that the Declaration of Independence and Enlightenme nt ideals are for today, and will be around tomorrow. When something changes it loses its original meaning. Acknowledging this fact can be helpful when considering an essay topic.That said, some consider the ideals in the Declaration of Independence and Enlightenment ideals to be a barrier to acceptance of those principles in the twenty-first century. Some people feel that there is still much to learn about those principles. Some feel that the Declaration of Independence was only meant to motivate Americans in their fight against the British.It is important to note that during the American Revolution the idea of 'freedom' was the central reason for the revolution. People around the world have been inspired by the American struggle to gain freedom and liberty. We have fought wars and died to ensure that our freedoms are protected and to ensure that we all have a chance to live our lives free from fear, and to take opportunities in life.It is a fact that many feel that espoused the pr inciples in the Declaration of Independence are only meant to motivate us in our current battle. Some feel that the founders would never have sacrificed their lives for freedom if they could do so easily. It is a fact that some believe that the ideals of the Declaration of Independence were only supposed to inspire for the future, and not any kind of motivation.It is hard to understand how a person could espouse the ideals of a nation without giving all of their time and effort into it. Of course, it is also possible that no one would have to become an American citizen without espousing these ideals. Whether or not it is possible to discuss these ideals without becoming passionate about them is a question many people are asking.The Declaration of Independence and Enlightenment ideals in the form of 'liberty'equality' are far more than just words. They are our birthright. They are a part of the history of our country. It is a fact that we fight so that these principles can be upheld, and we will do whatever it takes to make sure that they are.

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